Kevin Humphery and I went to West Central to minister to 37 precious ladies. The video praise and worship was powerful and the Holy Spirit moved in an amazing way through the girls. Many came up front during the worship in "waves" during different songs and knelt before God weeping. After the praise and worship, I turned the service over to Kevin who ministered taking his text from Acts 2:1-4. He started out by saying “None of you have waited for anything in your life. When you want it, you want it right now and you’ll do whatever you need to get it."
Kevin Humphery and I went to West Central to minister to 37 precious ladies. The video praise and worship was powerful and the Holy Spirit moved in an amazing way through the girls. Many came up front during the worship in "waves" during different songs and knelt before God weeping. After the praise and worship, I turned the service over to Kevin who ministered taking his text from Acts 2:1-4. He started out by saying “None of you have waited for anything in your life. When you want it, you want it right now and you’ll do whatever you need to get it."

He continued, "It took you time to get into this “mess,” and it’s going to take time for God to get you out of it because He wants to change you from the inside out and it all depends on how willing you are to change."
Other texts Kevin used were:
Mark 1:9-12
Matt. 4:18-20 – When you feel Him pulling you, answer immediately.
Gal. 1:15-16 – when God calls you, you don’t need to go to anyone to verify. You will know.
Mark 11;24 – believe when you pray
1 John 1:1, 14 – know who Jesus is.
Mark 10:46-52 – the story of Bartemaeus
The minute Bartemaeus heard Jesus was going to be in town, faith connected. People tried to discourage him until they knew Jesus was calling him and then they totally changed their “story” …. Be careful who you surround yourself with.

Kevin gave an altar call and one lady came up for salvation. Then he asked who was ready for a change in their life and every woman quickly came to the front to pray.