We had an amazing service at Macon TC with the men. After a great time of praise and worship, Wayne ministered on "How Not to Go Back." He shared statistics on how many percentage wise will probably return to prison. The text was Matt. 12:38-45. He told the men that most people have a fear that they will return to their old ways. In this scripture the spirit in Great stands for moral rationale.

This scripture talks about a clean man, a man who confessed his sins and "cleaned his house." The evil or sinful spirit left. This spirit in the original Greek represents moral rationale (not demon possession).

The Queen of Sheba sacrificed TIME to go see King Solomon. When we give our lives to God, our time is HIS! Wayne read John 15:1-8 about abiding in the Vine. We MUST abide in Christ; not be a casual Christian.

Then he read Matt. 13:22-23. This represents those who have heard the Word but are too thick in the world so unfruitful. Those who received in a good heart are productive.

I Cor. 9:24-27 - The prize represents the souls we win to Christ.

We give our time in study and ministering of God's Word (mentor).

Psalms 1:1-2: Meditate in God's Word.

The Queen of Sheba also packed her camels with wealth. She was willing to give up her wealth. The second way is one of the hardest. When you have your needs met, meet the needs of others to bring them in.

The clean man did not abide in the Vine. He was swept clean but didn't give it all to Christ.

Devote your life to the service of God: time and money.

The last 1/2 hour was spent in discussion and prayer.