Wayne and Julia Smith went to Macon without me so I could be at my granddaughter's graduation. Wayne opened the service in prayer and a resident lead worship with a couple songs. There were 8 men in attendance.

The title of the message was Biblical Salvation vs. Salvation of Religion. Wayne explained that, in America, the professing Christian reads the Bible for an average of about 63 minutes a week. Yet, the average American see’s about 56 minutes per day of commercials and has hours in front of a screen per day. Therefore, the church is showing a love for the world more than a love for God. It’s because of a false teaching of salvation and a Christian walk.

Wayne asked, “If I were a sinner and asked, ‘How can I be saved?’ what would you say?” From that point there was a lot of discussion about salvation, grace, faith, and righteousness. One of the residents asked "when does a sin become a sin?" and that opened even more discussion.

They closed the service with prayer and special requests.