We had seven ladies in the service. We sang a couple of songs and then I turned it over to Kevin who ministered on "I Am Not Who They Called Me." The main text was from Acts 1:7-8, but other Scriptures used were Acts 9:13,21; Hebrews 10:15-16; Hebrews 10:17-20; Isa 53:3-5; I Thess. 2:4-5; and Acts 9:1-21.

Some of the main thoughts were
We had seven ladies in the service. We sang a couple of songs and then I turned it over to Kevin who ministered on "I Am Not Who They Called Me." The main text was from Acts 1:7-8, but other Scriptures used were Acts 9:13,21; Hebrews 10:15-16; Hebrews 10:17-20; Isa 53:3-5; I Thess. 2:4-5; and Acts 9:1-21.

Some of the main thoughts were
The Bibles says you will have power.
The law is written in your heart and in your mind. (Heb 10:15-16). You know what is right and what is wrong.
We spend more time trying to change someone else when we should be working on changing ourselves.
If we love Him and serve Him, our sins are forgiven.
No matter how much you talk about jesus and live for Him trying to win others, people are going to talk about you and remember everything you did . BUT YOU ARE NOT WHO THEY CALL YOU! Your past does not define your future!

All of the ladies came up for prayer! it was a great service!